Advanced Physiotherapy Launches Telehealth Rehab
Are you ready for telehealth physiotherapy? People have been researching telehealth for years, including using it to extend physiotherapy practices. In our case, telehealth will involve paid, professional, one-to-one consultation delivered over the phone or by videoconferencing.

While we are quite fond of helping our patients in person, telehealth offers benefits that may be advantageous to some patients:
- Increases options for homebound patients or patients who otherwise need to stay home
- Increases availability of physiotherapy during quarantines
- Reduces travel time for busy executives and busy moms alike
People are mostly interested in whether telehealth rehab really works for the conditions people bring to physiotherapist or exercise physiologist.The research says “Yes, telehealth rehab is effective.” Various studies have shown telehealth rehab effective in musculoskeletal spinal conditions,1 osteoarthritis,2 non-specific low-back pain,3 and more. If you can’t come to the office, call to schedule your physiotherapy by telehealth! Call (02) 4954 5330.
- Cottrell M, Judd P, Comans T, Easton P, Chang AT. Comparing fly-in fly-out and telehealth models for delivering advanced-practice physiotherapy services in regional Queensland: An audit of outcomes and costs. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2019 Jul 7:1357633X19858036.
- Feely K, Heywood S, Kinsella R, Page C, Lim K, Goranitis I. Telehealth v face-to-face physiotherapy for knee osteoarthritis: a contingent valuation preference exercise. Poster presentation.
- Dario AB, Cabral AM, Almeida L, Ferreira ML, Refshauge K, Simic M, Pappas E, Ferreira PH. Effectiveness of telehealth-based interventions in the management of non-specific low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis. The Spine Journal. 2017 Sep 1;17(9):1342-51.