Risk of ACL Injury Soars Five Times Higher after an Ankle Sprain
Ankle sprains are common. Given time, most begin to feel better on their own, and people return to full activity. Unfortunately, these circumstances may be lulling people into believing they have fully recovered

Ankle sprains are common. Given time, most begin to feel better on their own, and people return to full activity. Unfortunately, these circumstances may be lulling people into believing they have fully recovered. In fact, ankle stability can continue to be compromised, even when people are back to action. One example of this is the fact that people with ankle sprains have a five times higher risk of ACL injury due to unaddressed instability and proprioceptive deficits.(1,2) For instance, people with ankle sprains have delays in gluteus maximus and medius activation, predisposing them for decreased trunk stability and increased risk of leg injury.(3) Past ankle sprains also correlate with increased risk of future ankle sprains.
Nine out of ten people do not use physiotherapy after an ankle sprain.(4) However, guided rehabilitation can speed recovery and more fully restore function, especially when physiotherapy begins on the day of injury or as soon as possible.(4-7)
Tell-Tale Signs an Ankle is Not Fully Recovered
After an ankle injury, there are a number of predictors of future injury and increased risk of future problems such as osteoarthritis.
- limited range of motion in the ankle (especially limited dorsiflexion)(11)
- muscle weakness (especially peroneal)(12)
- mechanical instability (13)
- functional instability(3,14)
Functional instability refers to neuromuscular deficits, as opposed to structural deficits such as lengthened ligaments. For instance, Lofvenberg and colleagues found that patients with functional instability after an ankle injury had 33% slower reaction times in the peroneus longus and tibialis anterior.(14)
Physiotherapy can modify all of these risk factors.
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